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About Teknisk Landsforbund

Teknisk Landsforbund (The Danish Association of Professional Technicians) is a union for technicians, designers and constructors. We work to ensure good pay and working conditions for our 25.000 members.

Teknisk Landsforbund also has an unemployment fund, (Teknikernes A-Kasse/Technicians unemployment fund). As a member of Teknikernes A-Kasse, you get unemployment benefits if you lose your job, and access to education and upskilling while you are unemployed.

Our members all carry out work related to technical works and/or design. Divided among a wide variety of educations, they all work with construction, planning, design or calculation. Their common trade mark is their ability to transform ideas into functional, practical and specific solutions.

Teknisk Landsforbund takes care of our members´ interests in terms of conditions of employment and salary. We also offer guidance and advice when it comes to our members´ career prospects and opportunities for education.

Our aim is to support and encourage our members´  professionalism, development and life at work.

Do you want to join us? And become a part of a supportive and professional community that has your back at all stages of your career? Call TL on +45 3343 6450 (union)  or write to us at fagforeningen@tl.dk.