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Salary insurance

Would you like to guarantee 80% of your salary if you become unemployed?

As a member of Teknisk Landsforbund and Teknikernes A-Kasse (Technicians unemployment fund) you will receive salary insurance as part of your membership package.

How much can I receive from TL Salary Insurance?

With our salary insurance calculator, you can see exactly how much your monthly payout will be.

Calculate your Salary Insurance

  • You will receive up to 80% of the salary you have been used to, if you lose your job.
  • You will receive payouts for up to six months.
  • You are covered by TL Salary Insurance until you reach state pension age.

You are covered, whether you have a full or part-time job, regardless of whether it is permanent, contract/project-based, or fixed-term.


Contact us, if you have any questions about TL Salary Insurance

  • Call our salary insurance hotline at Alka:
    7030 0507 (Mon-Fri 09.00-16.00)
  • Write to us at

TL Salary Insurance is owned by Teknisk Landsforbund and managed by ALKA Forsikring.

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