As a student it’s free to join the union Teknisk Landsforbund and Teknikernes a-kasse. You get all the benefits of being a member of our union and a-kasse – but you don’t have to pay a thing until you have graduated.
If you sign up early, you also get unemployment benefits from day 1.
With Teknisk Landsforbund and Teknikernes A-Kasse behind you as a student you get a head start in the job market. We are here for you and all other creative specialists who work
or study in the fields of engineering, design or construction. We know what you need while you study – and when you’re done with your education.
As a member of Teknisk Landsforbund, you get:
- A strong union that supports you at all stages of your working life – even when you start looking for a job, negotiate your first salary or need your contract reviewed
- Specialist advice and help with internship placement
- A professional community with great networking opportunities
- Access to targeted courses for students
- Discounted offers on travel, insurance, purchases etc.
... and if you don’t find a job right away, as a member of Teknikernes A-Kasse you get:
- Unemployment benefit from day 1, if you’ve been a member of the a-kasse for at least one year.
- Salary insurance after six months of employment
You must meet the following language requirements to receive unemployment benefits:
- Passing Prøve i Dansk 2 (Danish exam level 2) or a Danish test that has an equivalent or higher level (programs equivalent to Prøve i Dansk 2 are listed below), OR completing 6th grade in primary school or equivalent Danish school.
- If you do not meet the language requirement, you can instead meet an employment requirement. To meet this requirement, you must have had at least 600 paid hours as a full-time insured person (or 400 paid hours as a part-time insured person) reported to the Indkomstregistret (Income Register) for 12 of the last 24 months.